Unleashing a Trade Secret Misappropriation Federal Private Right of Action
President Obama is poised to sign a bill passed unanimously by the Senate and House Judiciary Committee. What issue of the day could possibly secure such bipartisan support in a tumultuous presidential election year? One that even Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders could agree upon.
The emergence of relatively anonymous cyber threats and persistent state-sponsored economic espionage, together with breaches of confidence and traditional bribery, corrupt employee, and misrepresentation schemes, simply ...
Password protection may not sustain confidentiality
Passwords aren’t just for email these days. From jumping on a wi-fi network, to making a phone call, to downloading a song, everything electronic now seems under the proverbial lock and key, albeit a digital one. One recent decision from the Delaware Court of Chancery confronted this reality, holding that “merely password protecting” certain information did not constitute “reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality of that information” and therefore, the information at issue could not be considered a trade ...