- Posts by Emily D. RomanPartner
Emily D. Roman is a skilled researcher and writer who routinely handles all motion practice from the inception of a case through trial, as well as appellate briefing. She's briefed numerous appeals involving various substantive and ...

Outlines the potentially favorable change for a defendant Missouri insurer’s right to intervene to stay proceedings while an underlying determination of coverage case is pending.

An attorney’s guide and on how to successfully prepare briefs for Missouri’s appellate courts. Includes tips by an attorney who has successfully prepared numerous briefs accepted by Missouri’s appellate courts.

When representing an insured, trial attorneys must be attentive and recognize the circumstances under which opposing counsel may or may not present evidence that their client carries liability insurance. More importantly, attorneys must understand the actions that must be taken to preserve the record and protect the client. The Eastern District Court of Appeals recently granted a new trial based on a finding that the plaintiff made repeated, improper references to the defendant’s liability insurer in front of the jury. Collier v. Steinbach, -- S.W.3d --, 2019 WL 7159756 (Mo ...