- Posts by Alex BelotserkovskyAssociate
Alex Belotserkovsky focuses his practice on trials involving complex litigation matters, including asbestos cases and toxic tort issues. He has decades of civil litigation experience.
Mr. Belotserkovsky is fluent in Russian.

Summarizes CMS changes to guidelines for settling personal injury claims with Medicare beneficiaries (e.g., when CMS will/won’t impose Civil Money Penalties for not reporting settlements, changes in Workers Compensation Medicare Set Aside Arrangements).

Analyzes how and why two Illinois appellate courts (the First District in Higgins v. Blessing Hospital and the Fourth District in Brody v. Hoch) rendered different decisions regarding personal jurisdiction.

Examines Illinois Appellate Court ruling that lack of jury trial didn’t outweigh untimely motion nor void judgment made when court had proper jurisdiction

Illinois court grants summary judgment in mesothelioma case based on Maryland workers’ compensation exclusive remedy