For many decades, Delaware has enjoyed a favored position as the first choice for incorporation. Many U.S. companies incorporate in Delaware to benefit from its favorable tax and legal corporate environment. And other states look to specialized Delaware courts for guidance, particularly the Delaware Court of Chancery, with its expertise and deep precedent in corporate and shareholder dispute resolution. Delaware’s developed jurisprudence, with a perceived orientation to corporate interests, is unmatched in any other state and offers more guidance and certainty.
Now, the ...
In 2020, the Missouri General Assembly continued its efforts toward tort reform related to asbestos trust claim transparency related to civil litigation. As explained below, S.B. 575 sought to make clear from the beginning of a lawsuit the scope and extent of asbestos trust fund (“Trust”) claims available to a plaintiff and to allow evidence related to such claims to be admissible at trial.
S.B. 575, sponsored by Senator Bill Eigel (St. Charles County), would have imposed substantive and procedural requirements for lawsuits filed for damages related to asbestos exposure. The ...
Summary of County of Maui, Hawaii v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund, et al.
No. 18-260, Argued 1/6/2019, Decided 4/23/2020)
Petitioner, County of Maui (“Maui”), operates a wastewater reclamation facility that partially treats water from the surrounding area, then releases roughly 4 million gallons of treated water into the ground through four wells. The effluent travels through ground water for one-half mile to the Pacific Ocean.
In 2012, environmental groups sued under the citizen suit provisions of the Clean Water Act (“Act”), alleging that Maui was “discharge[ing]” a ...
Not long after governors and mayors issued orders shutting down non-essential businesses as a safeguard against the spread of COVID-19, we read countless emails and blog posts about how those entities’ business interruption coverages might apply to businesses shut down by the pandemic. Most writers conclude the ISO forms almost certainly will not indemnify the insured for those costs, and while there undoubtedly will be exceptions, I won’t muck about trying to add to that consensus here.
Instead, I’m curious about what happens next, when the owner of a restaurant or plastics ...